Greg's Half Ideas


OpenID is a new mechanism to allow users to login to sites without needing to register a new account on each site. It's very similar to how Microsoft and Google authenticate you across many di...

Microformat UI

I've been having an interesting conversation with Alex Faaborg on the UI for Microformats. The UI explorations that he's done are interesting but there is a problem. Not all Microformat UI sho...

The computer is the TV

Today there are millions of people who pay a cable or satellite company between $30-$90 a month for 100 channels that they don't watch. These same people pay hundreds of dollars for DVR's and ...

Linux/Unix Case Sensitivity

Case sensitivity is one of the best examples of how programmers expect people to conform to the computer rather then having the computer conform to people. We are human, we make mistakes and w...

Mixed Apples with DRM

I've said this before, DRM can't work. Recently Steve's head said something similar. Apple claims that they provide DRM as a necessary part of licensing and if it was up to them they would off...

3D Photo Sharing Application - PicMe

I'm really excited to announce a quick visual preview of an application that we've been working on at Raizlabs. The application is code named PicMe and offers a new way to view, share and inte...

Greg's Head gets a haircut

It's been almost exactly two years since I started Greg's Head. Today I updated the look and feel and migrated everything from Blogger to Wordpress. If I've done everything correctly those of ...

Job opening - Contract to perm Web Developer

Raizlabs is looking for an engineer to join us in building out a number of world-class applications for a wide range of business clients and users. You will be responsible for designing, build...

Stateless Computing - Application Hibernation

Traditional operating systems have application that are 'running.' Applications use system resources, memory and CPU time. When you minimize the application it's still running. If you have to ...

No more GetElementbyID

Here's a simple script: <div id="'hello'">Hello World. </div> <script type="'text/javascript'"> var test=document.getElementById('hello'); test.appendChild(document.createTe...