I had the extreme pleasure of being called a F***ing Idiot by Linus the original creator of Linux. It's with such ferocity and conviction that he called me an idiot that has me concerned about...
Twas a night such as this one and all through the office, Not a creature was stirring, not even the bosses. The servers were hung on the blue screen with care, In hopes that the updates soon w...
The initial version of email has a lot of problems that can not be addressed by making minor modification to the way that email is trasnsmitted. A new architecture needs to be developed to beg...
This week I was invited to Portland, OR to speak at the Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) architects meeting. The group assembed represented the majority players in the Linux community inclu...
In the next few months most people expect that Apple will unveil a new laptop built on an Intel x86 platform. But what many analysts may not be expecting is the enormous response that this new...
Anyone who has ever tried to share a computer file between two computers has probably seem the 'permission denied' dialog. This is what I call a 'dead-end-dialog.' The dialog informs you of a ...
After being warmly received by the Slashdot community on my Linux article ;) I did some legwork to install some additional distributions. Why does my choice of distribution determine my hardw...
The buzz-word of the week is "mash-ups." The first time I heard this term was in reference to music mash-ups where someone takes two or more popular songs and spins them together to create a F...
I'm sick of the buzzing, whining, humming and clicking of electronics. Computers have for years differentiated themselves by performance metrics. More memory, larger hard drive, faster process...
OK my post about Google Base was only three days before they officially launched so here's a prediction that's a little farther out... Google Wallet or perhaps Google Money. Lookout paypal bec...
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