Greg's Half Ideas

My telephone is a PC

I recently got Vonage service for my business and I have to say I'm impressed. Vonage has made the technology behind VoIP completely transparent. I plug in my router, plug in my phone and ever...

Google maps prediction

Google maps is providing a new tool to allow users to view and search for maps in an amazing and dynamic way. If you haven't seen it you can check it out here: http://maps.google.com. In othe...

Tivo UI issues

Tivo is often praised for it's superior user interface. Here are some of the problems and issues you haven't heard about. Tivo can not be easily setup without a phone line. Yes there are tric...

Ipod you pod we all pod

Finaly a company that understands that it's not all about the features. The iPod hit a grand slam out of the park and perhaps it'll show others that it's not always about building all the feat...

Personal PC Server

I was having dinner with a friend and we started talking about the idea of a home server. Imagine a box that sits in your basement, right next to your boiler. This home server stores your phot...

True Peer to Peer

I love the idea of Peer to Peer. But I've yet to see any software that actually does true peer to peer file sharing in a usefull way. Here's a typical scenario. I take a trip with ten friends ...

Starting a startup

Today is a new chapter in Raizlabs history. Raizlabs has been a one person shop since I started working for myself in 2001. Tomorrow it's going to be different. For the first time I won't be t...

Layered Programming

If you've ever used photoshop you're probably familiar with layers. The idea is simple you have one photo and you can layer it on another photo with various levels of color or effects. At the ...

Go Tivo yourself

Let's take a step into the way back machine and rewind our Tivo story to 1987-88. Time Warner was shutting down the Full Service Network (FSN), an experimental excursion into interactive telev...

Building blocks to big blocks

Ok so you've heard the phrase "Rome wasn't built in a day." Well the fact is that very few things are built in a day and even fewer things are built well. Many times when I talk to people abou...