
20 things the iPhone should do

I broke down last weekend and got the iphone. Apple Computer Inc has created a design that is great with UI that was lovingly hand polished.

Of course no matter how good it is you always want more. This is what separates great products from mediocre products. With my old cell phone everything was crap so my wish list started with things like... "i wish I could get reception" and perhaps... "How do I edit a phone number for a contact?"

Because the iPhone is by far the best phone I've ever had I want it to do all the things that all those other devices promised.

  1. The iPhone is great but the lack of games and certain applications like to-do-lists, chat applications and specific business tools leaves a gap that many developers are filling. While it's great that this "is possible" it would be even better if this was encouraged and supported by Apple. (SDK please) Update: Done
  2. I should be able to use any song that I own as a ring-tone for free. If I bought the song why should I pay more to have it play automatically? Isn't this what fair use is about?
  3. The Google Apps/iPhone connection is weak. You can sort of get things to sync but email has to use POP settings (not imap) and syncing calendar and contacts is awkward. Update:IMAP DONE
  4. Let me connect and sync my MacBook using bluetooth or wireless.
  5. Support rotated and non rotated mode on more screen (like the home screen, youtube and my inbox.)
  6. Add some texture or grips to the sides. The sucker is slippery.  Update: Done
  7. When held sideways to watch YouTube videos your fingers cover the speaker of the iPhone.
  8. Use a headphone jack that will be compatible with normal headphones.  Update: Done
  9. Sync my contacts, calendar and music between two computers. I have a Macbook at home and a PC at work but I have one life, one set of contacts and one calendar.  Update: Done
  10. Support bluetooth GPS pucks. This would be a killer accessory for my car. GRMN+GOOG+AAPL :) Update: Built in GPS
  11. Better camera. The images the current camera takes are blurry.
  12. Calendar events synced from Google calendar can't be edited so you can't add a reminder. This is similar to #2 but seems like something that Apple could fix without Google's help.  Update: Done
  13. Video podcasts have two ways to view them one is from the Podcast section and the other from the Video section. The two sections aren't really connected and it's not obvious when a podcast has video content.
  14. I wish I could sync my stock portfolio via an RSS feed. If this existed e*trade, fidelity and others would have feeds right quick.
  15. Speaking of RSS I would love an offline RSS reader.  Update: Done Via 3rd Party Applications
  16. Whenever I take a picture with the camera and plug-in the phone to charge suddenly both iPhoto and iTunes want to load and sync. Why can't this happen under the covers with no UI?
  17. The browser should support Flash & the file browse dialog to upload a photo to a site.
  18. I should be able to share a business card (vCard) over bluetooth
  19. I should be able to use the internet connection with my MacBook. I haven't been able to find anything useful that you can do with bluetooth on a Macbook/iPhone. Update:Done Via 3rd Party Application
  20. Open up access to other carriers. So far I actually have no complaints against AT&T but I would have preffered to have a choice on this.

Even though I want all these things the most important thing for me is to not loose the core user experience. The ability to create a great product is to add features without negatively impacting the overall experience. As more features, options and settings get added you risk the overall experience. If done well you get the best of both worlds if done poorly you get every other cell phone I've ever used.

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