I've met many people who seek to add to a product and enable an endless assortment of new features and functionality. This often goes beyond the original intent of the design. Some believe tha...
I found this facinating story about the OK and Cancel dialog on the original mac. The Folklore website is absolutly facinating and gives a good glimpse into what it's like to build an operatin...
When you present a list of choices to users it should be obvious what order is being used to present the choices. Here's a dialog from the Open Office team. There are a couple thin...
Icons can be a great tool to quickly communicate a simple and familiar function. Many people learn the icons for cut, copy and paste, others are familair with Print or Save. Unfortunately if y...
In the beginning there was Yahoo. Yahoo categorized web sites into logical groups and categories and it was good. The categories allowed people to navigate and find information using a logical...
I was figuring out some tax things and it struck me how complicated and backwards the tax system is. Imagine if the IRS was an electric company If the IRS was an electric company...You would ...
On the heals of my IE 7 review I took a closer look at the performance issues in IE and it looks like the performance issue I was seeing is heavily tied to the new native PNG support. One of t...
Overview IE 7 includes a number of new features however I believe this release will do more to send people over to FireFox then it will to bring people from Firefox back to IE. Why? The core...
A few weeks months back I had the painful experience of having a total hard drive crash. You may remember my meltdown here. Well the company I used to recover my drive was amazing and it tur...
Office 12 is introducing a new hybrid control called a ribbon. This control is a combination of both a toolbar and menu. The good: Simplicity - Much more simple and organized in terms of scr...
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