Greg's Half Ideas

BlackBerry SDK's

Despite the decline in BlackBerry popularity it still has a lot of existing customers. So we wanted to demo some functionality for our AppBlade product, since it's multi-platform. Ok. Well Let...

Smarter Keyboards

The argument used to be that you could never change the QWERTY keyboard design because so many people had learned it. In addition the hardware change was too expensive.  It seems that this is ...

Enter a title here

It's amazing how many things happen because they are the default choice.  Default labels & buttons, meals, seats on planes, colors, suggested friends, coupons and email prompts lead to def...

Designing navigation - GitHub

This post explores a design simplification on GitHub.com. The aim is to explain the process of a UI redesign and how aspects of UI can be consolidated and simplified. Before: After: This exa...

Web App vs Native App

Companies deciding how to invest in mobile applications ask the question of web app or native app. To understand the answer companies need to understand the pros and cons of each.  Ultimately...

How to Create a Mobile App

This is a 20 minute presentation I did as part of a HubSpot's mobile marketing workshop. There are three additional sessions available from HubSpot.  My talk covers the basics of creating an a...

On my way to forgetting passwords

Google is exploring ways to eliminate passwords as we know them. They are doing this by linking the trust you have with your phone to online trust.  The idea is that instead of a password fie...

Pixel Pushing Path

If you haven't heard of Path I suggest you check it out.  It's a new entrant into the arguably crowded social networking space. Unlike Facebook or even Twitter the current experience is almost...

Kindle Fire

In 2009 I wrote that the Kindle experience was terrible and that they needed something better, in color and awesome.  Now, two years later the Kindle Fire could be just that device. I was quot...

Designing for Thumbs and Fingers

This video is from a talk I did on mobile design and user experience. The talk was given at 360iDev in Denver. Designing for Thumbs and Fingers from Greg Raiz on Vimeo.